Monday, November 24, 2008

Wishing for Pros

I am disgusted whenever I hear a story involving wishing where the wisher wants more wishes. Not because that is morally reprehensible but because they are obviously doing it wrong. Wishes should not be bestowed upon amateurs because you KNOW that all they are going to get out of the whole experience is a life lesson. You can get life lessons by watching Oprah so leave the wishing up to us pros.

The secret to good wishing is poor punctuation.

If you cannot get everything you want with one wish you have no place asking for one. To those negative nancy's who say it is greedy to ask for so much, I still have room for a mop up wish and then a final one to release the genie so who is selfish now?

A successful wish should follow the following format:

I wish I had the ability to change the physical age and appearance of anyone by thinking about it and I was rich and I can cure disease and I can read the minds of others and I had a castle and a pony named silver and ... etc

If you need to gather additional breath simply put up a finger to indicate you are not done.

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